Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here's the thing...

Language has a way of changing...a lot of times without the speakers realizing it. This is something that I've been warning people I'm going to blog about and here it is.

The term "Lady"

A sign of respect? Lets take a look.

Of the time a "Lady" was seen by society of as a woman of a wealthy family, that listened to her male relatives, and followed the rules of society of the time. Victorian society...

I'm not sure why this is a term of respect now. This label (that both men and women apply to women) does not seem like much of a complement to me. Human property that was traded between families in exchange for money, property, and/or favors. Then made to bear children (most likely till death) and at the mercy of the males around her. Any lustful thoughts were claimed to be brought on by the women, and the "innocent" male just unable to control himself CLEARLY a victim. She was then hid away in a convent, sent away, or killed to maintain the honor of the family.

This seems to be a label that marks women's past enslavement. Why shouldn't it be seen in the same way people view "the 'N' word"? Why is it used as a way to flatter women? Or as a way to imply little worth?

For me there is no "bad" word. The meaning that the particular culture PLACES on the word is usually the issue. This word's meaning has never been a complement, it has been a weight, brand, and cage. To me that is an insult.

If you don't feel this way and you get your jollies off by getting this...term...applied to you...fine by me you are welcome to it. But for those who see this and go "...never looked at it that way before..." let me know what you think. (male or female)

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