Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A little something I wrote for class...

Names were changed cause i think its funny...

Dear teacher’s name here,
                I'm writing in responses to today’s class. When assistant’s name here came in and was about to administer the test, GORMAGON started in about her not being capable of administering the test. He then started ranting about the book and some number. This was a great disruption to the class, and had nothing to do with assistant's name here ability. He continued to rant, and (assistant’s name here) handled it well (in my opinion).
              I am a great supporter of people with strong beliefs and opinions, and I'd like to think an open minded person, but GORMAGON's continual child like actions are become a disturbance. He mutters throughout tests and goes off on meaningless tangents in class. This makes it hard for me to concentrate ESPECIALLY during a test. I do not mind his political views, nor that he voices them. My issue is that he shows little respect to his classmates or the staff by constantly direction attention to himself, and away from learning. If he requires assistance to deal with some form of mental retardation, the company I work for would be happy to assist.
              You and assistant’s name here have been very accommodating to "requests" and neither of you deserve the disrespect he has shows you and I would like to learn in a classroom without someone using it as a metaphorical soap-box.

Thank you for your time,

Here is the response I received from my professor:

Thank you WRITER. I appreciate your thoughts. assistant’s name here has already told me about his behavior today. His life is very difficult. I agree that he needs help, but he must recognize his needs and ask for help. 

If need be, you may want to change seats next time. For me, I just choose to ignore him.

It's a pleasure to have you in class.

1 comment:

  1. Dear WRITER,

    This was quite an enjoyable blog post.

    See you around,
