Monday, January 31, 2011

I don't know if I told you this before but...

          My intended use for this blog was to post my stories so the many people I'd like to read  them could, at their leisure. As it turns out, rants are shorter and easier to put out than  the stories I prefer to write. This may be a "DUH!"  moment for some (or all) but it was a screeching halt for me. I don't like the idea of putting have done stories up (half done as missing elements I require...not so much the "polished piece") so I have come to a bit of a problem.
          Deadlines make me work harder. A paper for class will get more attention because it has a due date imposed by someone else. I HATE that i am extrinsically motivated (>.<) but it has been acknowledged and it is a work in progress.
         I figured that I'd use all of this in my attempts to force and intrinsically motivate myself. (<--oxymoron?) I figure with my current work/school/teaching load I figure I can do at least one story a month, or two to three shorties/poems. Rants come and go as things either fall into my head or emotions are pricked. So, Dear Readers, small assistance if you please. Keep reading and keep commenting. Good or bad comments, as long as they are logical in nature, are welcome.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here's the thing...

Language has a way of changing...a lot of times without the speakers realizing it. This is something that I've been warning people I'm going to blog about and here it is.

The term "Lady"

A sign of respect? Lets take a look.

Of the time a "Lady" was seen by society of as a woman of a wealthy family, that listened to her male relatives, and followed the rules of society of the time. Victorian society...

I'm not sure why this is a term of respect now. This label (that both men and women apply to women) does not seem like much of a complement to me. Human property that was traded between families in exchange for money, property, and/or favors. Then made to bear children (most likely till death) and at the mercy of the males around her. Any lustful thoughts were claimed to be brought on by the women, and the "innocent" male just unable to control himself CLEARLY a victim. She was then hid away in a convent, sent away, or killed to maintain the honor of the family.

This seems to be a label that marks women's past enslavement. Why shouldn't it be seen in the same way people view "the 'N' word"? Why is it used as a way to flatter women? Or as a way to imply little worth?

For me there is no "bad" word. The meaning that the particular culture PLACES on the word is usually the issue. This word's meaning has never been a complement, it has been a weight, brand, and cage. To me that is an insult.

If you don't feel this way and you get your jollies off by getting this...term...applied to you...fine by me you are welcome to it. But for those who see this and go "...never looked at it that way before..." let me know what you think. (male or female)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Retro Spec Makes One Trip...

In my family (like I'm guessing most others) like to tell stories of the past. Stories of funny things kids say, embarrassing concerts *pictures optional*, and ESPECIALLY instances of misbehaving. My father tells one in particular that applies to my sister and I. I have unOfficially dubbed this the Peanut Butter Fiasco.

I'm not sure of the ages but I'm pretty sure both of use were in the single age digits, because our parents were still together. Dad claims that he found a peanut butter jar that had been eaten out of. He claims that he called us both to him and asked who the guilty party was. Of course we both denied our involvement. The story continues with an ultimatum, he spanks both of until he got the truth.

A pause here to point something out. I'd've eaten PB&J, or peanut butter cookies but paste from the jar was not and IS NOT appealing to me.

I don't remember how many rotations it took for the truth to come out. All I personally remember of this event is that I couldn't stop what was happening. I told the truth and was punished for it. If I would have lied it would have gotten worse. The only person that could stop my torment was the person who instigated the entire episode. Not a happy feeling.

Dad's whole point to this story was that he was so disappointed in her. Not that she did something she wasn't suppose to, but that she let me get punished for something she did.

This event pop-ed into my head today after work. After that the mental trains jumped all around. Nature vs Nurture... psychology...scaffolding...swing sets...poloroid cameras...batteries...Lappy...Blog... then to this post. (All the ... are the mental leaps that got me to the typed words but were too quick to remember GOT to love A.D.D. in all its glory)  I wondered about one of the saying that I heard around the education field. "Everything you need to know in life you learn in kindergarten" I don't know who learned what where...but I hope all parties have learned better methods since.

Happy 1st Blog Post of the New Year ^>^

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Time Has Come

Tis the New Year and time for the blogging to continue!

Hiatus is over ya'll so if you haven't caught up well...that makes me sad. Tho I've had more ideas on how to tweak some of the older stories and there are some new ones in the works. So feel free to go thru the archives...edited things will have * by the name. I have missed blogging...

Make it a New Year resolution to leave comments ^>^