Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why I'm not a good role model...

I was surprised to discover that I was volunteered to supervise a group of church kids at a party...I have yet to be asked if I am free to do so...

During the time with 5 teenagers and my poor co-supervisor I learned somethings.
1. I don't miss high school even tho the drama flows just as deep irl
2. If cookies are promised I can censor myself (for a while or till I forget)
3. Large vocabularies can be used for evil.
4. Games where the point is to make up answers are how I became aware of the previous lines

This was learned by the board game Things...Example: Things that shouldn't be titles of children's books...I came up with:
My Funny Uncle Willy
Things Forks Go In
Drinks Under Sinks
Candy Behind Mirrors
Touches in the Dark

So the night wasn't a total more books to add to my already long reading list, free food, discovered a game losing webpage, and got to see my dog attack someone 5times bigger then her....and take them DOWN!